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Nishmat's Miriam Glaubach Center presents the Kallah Companion


The Kallah Companion course is now offered free of charge and with unlimited access. However, we depend on your support to maintain and improve the course, and to enable unlimited interaction with the yoatzot. Donations are tax-deductible in Israel, the U.S., and Canada.

Kallah teachers and rebbetzins are encouraged to register for Kallah Companion simultaneously with our online review course, Marriage Companion.

Please complete the registration form below. When your registration is complete, you will receive an email containing your user name and password and instructions for beginning the course. If you do not receive an email within two working days, please contact the Kallah Companion Yoatzot.

Note: Unfortunately, some email providers mistakenly categorize email sent through this course as "Spam." If you do not receive your password, please check to make sure it has not been incorrectly filtered out.

Registration Form

*First Name:
*Last Name:
*Street Address:
Zip Code:
*Please enter your email again:
Second Phone:
Kallah Kallah Teacher/ Rebbetzin Other

Please register me for both Kallah Companion and Marriage Companion (recommended for kallah teachers and rebbetzins).
Yes, I would like to receive quarterly announcements and news from yoatzot.org.

Code Verification: Please copy the following code into the box below. 
This step helps prevent misuse of this site.

Before submitting, check that you have filled out all the pertinent fields. All starred fields are required.